

Species leaderboard (46 Species)
Nr. Observations Species Locations Photos 🇳🇴 🌎
1. Observations 23 Species European Herring Gull (Larus argentatus) Locations 6 Photos 32 High-contrast picture of an adult herring gull in winter plummage. He has bright white feathers with brown/gray stripes on the head and neck, and an orange beak. Portrait of an adult herring gull in winter plumage, zoonmed in on her face. She has a lot of brown/gray stripes, which makes her face look kind of dark. Her beak is on the small side for a herring gull, and has a faded orange/yellow color. Her eyes are yellow, with few very specks on the iris. In front of her is a larger herring gull, completely out of focus. The background are out of focus buildings, creating a blurry gradient. Close-up (zoomed in and cropped) of the eye and part of the head of an adult european herring gull in winter plumage (white head with brown/gray stripes). Her iris is yellow/light green, with a black pupil that reflects the sunlight and 3-4 tiny barely noticeable black specks on the iris. Around the eye there's an orange circle, out of which tiny white feathers grow, almost like white eyelashes. + 29 View all Conservation status Norway VU Vulnerable Conservation status globally LC Least Concern
2. Observations 8 Species Hooded Crow (Corvus cornix) Locations 4 Photos 4 Portrait of a hooded crow sitting in green grass, in front of a red building. The crow has a grey body and black wings and head, and is looking straight at the camera. The foreground is out of focus grass, the background a red out of focus building. The crow is in focus. Black and white photograph of 3 hooded crows in an urban park. One crow is standing is standing in the middle of the frame, and is in focus, looking at the camera with a stern expression. There's a crow on his left and right, in the background and a bit out of focus, facing the camera as well. It looks as if the one in the front/middle is about to beat up the photographer, with two crows being his bodyguard in the background. Portrait of a hooded crow, zoomed in on the face, exposing lots of detail in the feathers. In the background there are yellow and orange leafs. + 1 View all Conservation status Norway LC Least Concern
3. Observations 7 Species Common Gull (Larus canus) Locations 6 Photos 3 Adult common gull in flight, with mountains and light clouds in the background. Adult common gull (larus canus) standing between long grass. The vegetation in the foreground causes light yellow, green, and red blurry gradients, and the harbour in the background creates an out of focus dark background Young common gull (larus canus) standing between long grass. The gull still looks very fluffy, and has a grey speckled pattern. There's bright sunlight coming in from the top left corner, giving the grass a yellow shine, and lighthing up a bright white outline around the top of the head and back of the chick. View all Conservation status Norway VU Vulnerable Conservation status globally LC Least Concern
4. Observations 6 Species Black-legged Kittiwake (Rissa tridactyla) Locations 3 Photos 9 A kittiwake chick on the nest, having its beak wide open, exposing the pink inside of its mouth. It's a sunny day, and the picture is well lid with a lot of detail. The young kittiwake still has fluffy down and is very tiny, colored white ans gray, with a white beak. Black-legged kittiwake sitting on top of wood boxes, looking down at the camera shouting, exposing the bright red inside of the beak. A young kittiwake (second year) flying small in frame against a light overcast sky, from the right of the frame to the left. Two auks are flying in the background. + 6 View all Conservation status Norway EN Endangered Conservation status globally VU Vulnerable
5. Observations 5 Species Greylag Goose (Anser anser) Locations 4 Photos 1 Portrait of a greylag goose, from the chest upwards, in portrait format. The greylag has a gray body with black and white stripes, an orange beak, and an orange circle around the eye. The background is out of focus, but the goose is very sharp. View all Conservation status Norway LC Least Concern Conservation status globally LC Least Concern
6. Observations 5 Species Barnacle Goose (Branta leucopsis) Locations 2 Photos – Conservation status Norway LC Least Concern Conservation status globally LC Least Concern
7. Observations 5 Species Common Goldeneye (Bucephala clangula) Locations 1 Photos – Conservation status Norway LC Least Concern Conservation status globally LC Least Concern
8. Observations 5 Species Smew (Mergellus albellus) Locations 2 Photos 5 Small white duck with black eyes and black stripes on the body, swimming in dark gray water, with white ice in the background. Small white duck with black eyes and black stripes on the body, swimming in dark gray water, with white ice in the background. Small white duck with black eyes and black stripes on the body, swimming in dark gray water, with white ice in the background. + 2 View all Conservation status Norway VU Vulnerable Conservation status globally LC Least Concern
9. Observations 5 Species Great black-backed gull (Larus marinus) Locations 3 Photos 2 Zoomed in picture of a large flock of herring gulls (mostly juveniles, and some adilts) standing on top of a rocky landscape with moss and grass growing between the rocks. There's white poop on the rocks, letting the gulls blend in perfectly. Near-adult great black-backed gull standing on a rocky coastline, blending in well with its environment. The GBBG is a large gull, with pink feet and black wings, and this indivisual still has some white/brown juvenile feathers left on the wings. View all Conservation status Norway NT Near Threatened Conservation status globally LC Least Concern
10. Observations 5 Species Purple Sandpiper (Calidris maritima) Locations 3 Photos 6 Purple sandpiper foraging along an icey coastline, in purple light. The sandpiper is hanging forward, its long orange beak reachign for something on the ground right under the water. Group of purple sandpipers foraging in the water. Two of them in the middle are in focus. In front and behind them are out of focus sandpipers. Purple sandpiper foraging in the water. The water is dark blue, and from the top right corner there's orange light coming into frame. The sandpiper is walking from the top right to the bottom left of the image, and standing on a twig. + 3 View all Conservation status Norway LC Least Concern Conservation status globally LC Least Concern
11. Observations 4 Species Razorbill (Alca torda) Locations 2 Photos 5 Two razorbills cuddling together in the snow, with a bright aqua sea in the background. The background is out of focus with a lot of bokeh, and the snow in the foreground creates a white haze. The razorbills are small black and white auks, and have a white vertical and horizontal line on their beak. Two razorbills cuddling together in the snow, with a bright aqua sea in the background. The background is out of focus with a lot of bokeh, and the snow in the foreground creates a white haze. The razorbills are small black and white auks, and have a white vertical and horizontal line on their beak. Two razorbills (black and white auks) cuddling in the snow. The razorbills are positioned in the bottom left corner of the frame, and the snowy hill in the foreground makes it so that just their black heads are visible, against a completely white background. + 2 View all Conservation status Norway VU Vulnerable Conservation status globally LC Least Concern
12. Observations 4 Species Atlantic Puffin (Fratercula arctica) Locations 2 Photos 7 Portrait of a puffin, hiding behind a grassy hill. The top of the head and eyes are in focus, the rest is hidden behind the green grass, which is saturated and blurry. Portrait of a puffin, sitting in green bushes, looking straight at the camera, with blurry aqua sea in the background. Portrait of a puffin, sitting in outside of its burrow, overlooking a bright aqua sea full of bokeh, photographed from the side. It's a really bright and sunny day, and the picture has light and vibrant colors, with a lot of feather detail. + 4 View all Conservation status Norway EN Endangered Conservation status globally VU Vulnerable
13. Observations 4 Species Common Murre (Uria aalge) Locations 2 Photos 19 Common murre silhouette (chest upwards), with a blue sea full of blurry bokeh in the background. Group of ca 15 common murres standing closely together on a sunny day. The picture is taken with a telezoom lens, showing them all chest up, focused on two cuddling murres in the middle. Portrait of a bridled common murre standing in front of a teal/blue blurry background (out of focus ocean), photographed from the chest up. The belly is white, the back and head are very dark brown (but look black), medium-sized sharp gray beak. Around its eye is a white circle and line, resembling glsses. The bird eye is in focus, along with tiny water droplets on top of the head. Light cimes from the left behind of the murre. + 16 View all Conservation status Norway CR Critically Endangered Conservation status globally LC Least Concern
14. Observations 4 Species Dunlin (Calidris alpina) Locations 2 Photos – Conservation status Norway LC Least Concern Conservation status globally NT Near Threatened
15. Observations 4 Species Eurasian Coot (Fulica atra) Locations 1 Photos – Conservation status Norway VU Vulnerable Conservation status globally LC Least Concern
16. Observations 4 Species European Shag (Gulosus aristotelis) Locations 2 Photos 5 European shag walking around with the skeleton of another european shag in its beak. He's walking right to left in the frame, and between grassy terrain. European shag walking around with the skeleton of another european shag in its beak. He's walking right to left in the frame, and between grassy terrain. Three common guillemots (uria aalge) posing in front of a white snowed in mountain, with more murres/guillemots flying in the background. It almost looks peaceful, except in the foreground a european shag (type of cormorant) is crash landing into the snow, in the most dramatic way possible. + 2 View all Conservation status Norway LC Least Concern Conservation status globally LC Least Concern
17. Observations 3 Species White-tailed Eagle (Haliaeetus albicilla) Locations 3 Photos 4 White-tailed eagle overlooking a sky filled with auks (puffims, razorbills, murres). The eagle is small in frame, sitting on the top of a cliff in the bottom right corner of the image. White-tailed eagle in flight. We mainly see a silhouette of the eagle, which is almost completely black, against a blue aqua/teal sky. White-tailed eagle sitting on a rock, in front of other rocks. The rocks are covered in moss, and cast a blue-ish shadow in the background. The eagle has a white tail, huge yellow beak, and big white claws. The body is brown, and has white spots on the face. + 1 View all Conservation status Norway LC Least Concern Conservation status globally LC Least Concern
18. Observations 3 Species Tufted Duck (Aythya fuligula) Locations 1 Photos – Conservation status Norway LC Least Concern Conservation status globally LC Least Concern
19. Observations 3 Species Whooper Swan (Cygnus cygnus) Locations 3 Photos – Conservation status Norway LC Least Concern Conservation status globally LC Least Concern
20. Observations 3 Species Mute Swan (Cygnus olor) Locations 1 Photos 1 Close-up portrait of a mute swan, with golden bokeh in thte background and backlight givin g the swan a bright outline. The head and neck is white, with a black ball above the orange beak. View all Conservation status Norway LC Least Concern Conservation status globally LC Least Concern
21. Observations 3 Species Common Eider (Somateria mollissima) Locations 3 Photos – Conservation status Norway VU Vulnerable Conservation status globally NT Near Threatened
22. Observations 3 Species Little Auk (Alle alle) Locations 1 Photos 2 Little auk in flight, with a gray mountain in the background. The little auk is a small black and white seabird, with a rounded tail and pointy oval body shape. The face, back, and wings are black, there's a white dot above the head, a white stripe on the bottom of the wing, and a few white lines where the wing meets the body. This little auk is in the center of the frame, and seems very focused on his flight. Two little auks sitting on a lichen-covered rock on the side of a mountain, with a green and gray valley out of focus in the background. The little auk on the left is facing away from the camera and stretching its wings, showing the black backside with white line under each wing. The one on the right is facing the camera, showing off the black head with white dot above the eye. View all Conservation status Norway LC Least Concern Conservation status globally LC Least Concern
23. Observations 3 Species Common ringed plover (Charadrius hiaticula) Locations 3 Photos 2 Close-up of a juvie ringed plover sitting behind a rock on a beach. The picture is zoomed in, making the rock in front of them and the rocks behind out of focus, while the face and feathers are sharp.The beak is short, going from orange to dark brown. The stomach and chin/neck are white, and the head and bacj are speckled brown. There's half of a darker brown band around the neck, a slightly darker brown band underneath the eyes, and a white and beige stripe above. Common ringed plover standing between brown kelp. The sunlight is coming from the top left of the corner, and the bird is standing in the center right. It's a zoomed in picture, so the plover takes up around a third of the height. The belly and a band around the neck are white, brown speckled back and top of head, and a dark brown band aroiund the neck. View all Conservation status Norway LC Least Concern Conservation status globally LC Least Concern
24. Observations 3 Species Eurasian Oystercatcher (Haematopus ostralegus) Locations 2 Photos – Conservation status Norway NT Near Threatened Conservation status globally NT Near Threatened
25. Observations 3 Species Ruff (Calidris pugnax) Locations 2 Photos – Conservation status Norway VU Vulnerable Conservation status globally LC Least Concern
26. Observations 3 Species Red-necked Phalarope (Phalaropus lobatus) Locations 3 Photos 3 Portrait of a female red-necked phalarope on a lake, with grass in the background. The phalarope has a gray body and head, with a white dot above the eye, a white belly, and a white patch on the chin. On each side of the neck, there's a strip with deep bright orange/red colored feathers. Portrait of a female red-necked phalarope on a lake, staring directly at the camera, having her beak open. Portrait of a male red-necked phalarope, preening and drying himself on a rock next to a lake, picture taken from inbetween long grass View all Conservation status Norway NT Near Threatened Conservation status globally LC Least Concern
27. Observations 3 Species Great Crested grebe (Podiceps cristatus) Locations 1 Photos – Conservation status Norway LC Least Concern Conservation status globally LC Least Concern
28. Observations 2 Species Glaucous Gull (Larus hyperboreus) Locations 2 Photos – Conservation status Norway VU Vulnerable Conservation status globally LC Least Concern
29. Observations 2 Species Arctic Tern (Sterna paradisaea) Locations 2 Photos 3 Arctic tern in flight, against a bright blue background. Arctic tern, white seabird with a long sharp red beak, flying right to left with a fish in his beak, with an orange colored valley in the abckground. Two arctic terns in flight, in the middle of the frame, with green blurry mountains in the background. One of the terns is holding a fish in its beak. They are small white seabirds, lookig a bit like small gulls, but with a long sharp bright red beak, and a black top of the head. View all Conservation status Norway LC Least Concern Conservation status globally LC Least Concern
30. Observations 2 Species Red-throated Loon (Gavia stellata) Locations 2 Photos – Conservation status Norway LC Least Concern Conservation status globally LC Least Concern
31. Observations 1 Species Red-breasted Merganser (Mergus serrator) Locations 1 Photos – Conservation status Norway LC Least Concern Conservation status globally LC Least Concern
32. Observations 1 Species Little stint (Calidris minuta) Locations 1 Photos – Conservation status Norway LC Least Concern Conservation status globally LC Least Concern
33. Observations 1 Species Curlew (Numenius arquata) Locations 1 Photos – Conservation status Norway EN Endangered Conservation status globally NT Near Threatened
34. Observations 1 Species Whimbrel (Numenius phaeopus) Locations 1 Photos – Conservation status Norway NT Near Threatened Conservation status globally LC Least Concern
35. Observations 1 Species Spotted Redshank (Tringa erythropus) Locations 1 Photos – Conservation status Norway LC Least Concern Conservation status globally LC Least Concern
36. Observations 1 Species Yellow-billed Loon (Gavia adamsii) Locations 1 Photos – Conservation status Norway VU Vulnerable Conservation status globally NT Near Threatened
37. Observations 1 Species Common Loon (Gavia immer) Locations 1 Photos – Conservation status globally LC Least Concern
38. Observations 1 Species Moorhen (Gallinula chloropus) Locations 1 Photos 1 Moorhen swimming on green water on a sunny day. The moorhen is a black ater bird, with a brown back, and a red/yellow bill. The water has a lot of bokeh, and is blurry in the foreground and background. View all Conservation status Norway VU Vulnerable Conservation status globally LC Least Concern
39. Observations 1 Species White-throated Dipper (Cinclus cinclus) Locations 1 Photos – Conservation status Norway LC Least Concern Conservation status globally LC Least Concern
40. Observations 1 Species Eurasian Magpie (Pica pica) Locations 1 Photos – Conservation status Norway LC Least Concern Conservation status globally LC Least Concern
41. Observations 1 Species Redpoll (Acanthis flammea) Locations 1 Photos – Conservation status Norway LC Least Concern Conservation status globally LC Least Concern
42. Observations 1 Species Willow tit (Poecile montanus) Locations 1 Photos – Conservation status Norway VU Vulnerable Conservation status globally LC Least Concern
43. Observations 1 Species Common Black Bird (Turdus merula) Locations 1 Photos – Conservation status Norway LC Least Concern Conservation status globally LC Least Concern
44. Observations 1 Species Fieldfare (Turdus pilaris) Locations 1 Photos 1 Adult fieldfare feeding a small insect to a young fieldfare, surrounded by green grass. View all Conservation status Norway LC Least Concern Conservation status globally LC Least Concern
45. Observations 1 Species Slavonian Grebe (Podiceps auritus) Locations 1 Photos – Conservation status Norway VU Vulnerable Conservation status globally VU Vulnerable
46. Observations 1 Species Great Cormorant (Phalacrocorax carbo) Locations 1 Photos 1 Small in frame picture of a great cormorant perched on a tree branch that's hanging over a lake. There's lots of vegetation in the far background of the lake, and a lot of open water space on the left of the cormorant. View all Conservation status Norway NT Near Threatened Conservation status globally LC Least Concern