
Little Auk

Alle alle

The little auk is, as the name suggests, a small member of the auk family. In fact, with their ≈20cm in size and ≈150gr, they're the smallest of the auks. Their French and Dutch names (mergule nain and kleine auk) are also a reference to their small size. And in German they're called krabbentaucher, which translates to crab diver and refers to their diet.

In contrast, their Norwegian name is something completely different and a lot more majestic: alkekonge, or the auk king. A lot more fitting, if you ask me.

Two little auks sitting on a lichen-covered rock on the side of a mountain, with a green and gray valley out of focus in the background. The little auk on the left is facing away from the camera and stretching its wings, showing the black backside with white line under each wing. The one on the right is facing the camera, showing off the black head with white dot above the eye.

These majestic little birds breed in the arctic, and just like all the other auks, that's the only time of the year they come on land. After their young have fledged, they retreat back to the open sea for the rest of the year.

Also known as

  • Alle alle (Scientific)
  • Little Auk (English)
  • Alkekonge (Norwegian)
  • Kleine Alk (Dutch)
  • Mergule Nain (French)
  • Krabbentaucher (German)


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