Plumage and gender roles of the red-necked phalaropes
5. February 2025
While male birds are typically the more colorful ones, red-necked phalaropes have reversed gender roles, and the males look a bit duller than the females.
Gloria, our neighboring herring gull, received a ring.
22. January 2025
Gloria, one of our neighborhood gulls, recently showed up on our balcony wearing a color ring, which gives us access to some more info about their life.
About the beautiful bridled common murres.
3. September 2024
Common murres come in two visual variations. Bridled individuals are less common, and a have white "glasses" around the eyes.
Gloria, our neighboring herring gull, received a ring.
22. January 2025
Gloria, one of our neighborhood gulls, recently showed up on our balcony wearing a color ring, which gives us access to some more info about their life.
Meet Gloria, one of our herring gull neighbors.
22. August 2024
Get to know Gloria, one of the gulls living in our street in Oslo. She often hangs out on the neighbor's roof, and occasionally visits our balcony too.
An evening with thousands of gulls in Hamningberg
12. August 2024
This summer I photographed a large flock of gulls on a beach in Varanger, and afterwards counted thousands of them on my pictures.