Common Gull
Larus canus
The common gull is unfortunately becoming a lot less common these days.
Affected by habitat loss (especially wetlands), pollution, predation, and human disturbance and vandalism, these small gulls are redlisted in Norway, and have seen a population decrease of over 30% the last 3 generations.
In some areas in the south of the country there's even been a decline of over 90%, with the common gull population in Rogaland going down from ≈2400 breeding pairs in the 70s, to around 200 in 2008.
Fortunately, people have also been trying to help these pretty birds. For example, in Northern Norway people have been building breeding platforms for them along the coastline.
Also known as
- Larus canus (Scientific)
- Common Gull (English)
- Fiskemåke (Norwegian)
- Stormmeeuw (Dutch)
3 photos
0 blogs
1 collections
7 observations