
Gloria, January '25

High-contrast picture of an adult herring gull in winter plummage. He has bright white feathers with brown/gray stripes on the head and neck, and an orange beak.

17. January 2025

Oslo, Norway

Gloria, an adult european herring gull (larus argentatus) who frequents our balcony.

We originally believed him to be a girl. He's often observed on the same roof as two big male adult herring gulls, so we thought he was the girlfriend of one of them.

But recently he showed up on our balcony freshly ringed, and his data told us he's actually a big fat boy gull.

This also means we'll be able to follow his adventures, even after we've moved away from here, very exciting to see what he will be up to in the future, and if he will be observed breeding this year.

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