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Sarah L. Fossheim Wildlife & Nature Photography

Hi! I'm Sarah Fossheim, a wildlife & nature photographer, bird enthusiast, accessibility specialist, front-end engineer, and educator located in Norway.

With my photography I aim to highlight the beauty of the nature on our planet. Being a bird watcher and lifelong animal lover, I also use photography as a way to document and share stories about the behavior, history, ecology, threats and conservation of different species.



Explore photographs, blog posts, and information about the species I've encountered.


Albums of photos and blog posts about various themes, travels, bird behaviors, projects, and more.

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Highlighted species

Common Murre

Uria aalge

Common murres, also known as common guillemots, are a member of the auk family. Like most auks, they spend most of their life at sea, coming only to land to breed on tightly populated cliffs along the shoreline.

They live in the North Atlantic and North Pacific, and here in Norway they're found on bird cliffs from Runde on the west coast until Hornøya in the north.

Common murres and thick-billed murres are some of my all-time favorite birds.

Species info

Highlighted species

Black-legged Kittiwake

Rissa tridactyla

Kittiwakes are a small type of gull, easy to recognize visually because of their black feet, and audibly because of their 'kittiwake' call.

They're an endangered species in Norway, having seen a 70% reduction in population size the last 3 generations (30 years).

Species info

Recent blog posts

About the beautiful bridled common murres.

3. September 2024

Common murres come in two visual variations. Bridled individuals are less common, and a have white "glasses" around the eyes.

The parental roles of purple sandpipers.

29. August 2024

Purple sandpipers are monogamous, male and female share the egg incubation, but hatching the male is the only one taking care of the chicks.

Meet Gloria, one of our herring gull neighbors.

22. August 2024

Get to know Gloria, one of the gulls living in our street in Oslo. She often hangs out on the neighbor's roof, and occasionally visits our balcony too.

An evening with thousands of gulls in Hamningberg

12. August 2024

This summer I photographed a large flock of gulls on a beach in Varanger, and afterwards counted thousands of them on my pictures.

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Highlighted collection

Gulliver & Josefine

Gulliver and Josefine are a couple of adult european herring gulls living in the center of Oslo. Thanks to her ring data we know Josefine is at least 13 years old, and has been living in the same neighborhood most of her life.

She and her partner Gulliver were living on the neighbor's chimney until 2023, when they decided to move to our balcony, and I've been following their life since.

Browse collection

Highlighted collection


Pictures taken in Finnmark, the most northern region of mainland Norway.

Browse collection