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Portrait of a hooded crow sitting in green grass, in front of a red building. The crow has a grey body and black wings and head, and is looking straight at the camera. The foreground is out of focus grass, the background a red out of focus building. The crow is in focus. Black and white photograph of 3 hooded crows in an urban park. One crow is standing is standing in the middle of the frame, and is in focus, looking at the camera with a stern expression. There's a crow on his left and right, in the background and a bit out of focus, facing the camera as well. It looks as if the one in the front/middle is about to beat up the photographer, with two crows being his bodyguard in the background. Adult common gull (larus canus) standing between long grass. The vegetation in the foreground causes light yellow, green, and red blurry gradients, and the harbour in the background creates an out of focus dark background Young common gull (larus canus) standing between long grass. The gull still looks very fluffy, and has a grey speckled pattern. There's bright sunlight coming in from the top left corner, giving the grass a yellow shine, and lighthing up a bright white outline around the top of the head and back of the chick. Adult common gull in flight, with mountains and light clouds in the background. Three common guillemots (uria aalge) posing in front of a white snowed in mountain, with more murres/guillemots flying in the background. It almost looks peaceful, except in the foreground a european shag (type of cormorant) is crash landing into the snow, in the most dramatic way possible. Portrait of a puffin, hiding behind a grassy hill. The top of the head and eyes are in focus, the rest is hidden behind the green grass, which is saturated and blurry. Adult fieldfare feeding a small insect to a young fieldfare, surrounded by green grass. Dark blue layers of mountains (silhouettes in different brightnesses), against an orange sky Portrait of a hooded crow, zoomed in on the face, exposing lots of detail in the feathers. In the background there are yellow and orange leafs. Close-up (zoomed in and cropped) of the eye and part of the head of an adult european herring gull in winter plumage (white head with brown/gray stripes). Her iris is yellow/light green, with a black pupil that reflects the sunlight and 3-4 tiny barely noticeable black specks on the iris. Around the eye there's an orange circle, out of which tiny white feathers grow, almost like white eyelashes. Portrait of an adult herring gull in winter plumage, zoonmed in on her face. She has a lot of brown/gray stripes, which makes her face look kind of dark. Her beak is on the small side for a herring gull, and has a faded orange/yellow color. Her eyes are yellow, with few very specks on the iris. In front of her is a larger herring gull, completely out of focus. The background are out of focus buildings, creating a blurry gradient. Bridled common murre (with white eye ring) standing in front of a snowed in mountain. Portrait of an adult herring gull in winter plumage, showing the left side of his face. He has a white head, with ligt brown/gray stripes, which gets a bit darker around the eyes. The background are completely blurry out of focus buildings, creating a black/brown/blue gradient backdrop. Group of around 20 common murres (black and white seabirds of the auk family) in flight, against a blue sky. Common murre flying from right to left of the frame, with a fish in its beak. In the backgrpound are 5 other murres flying in the opposite direction, left to right. It's a sunny day with blue skies. Portrait of a young european shag, looking directly at the camera. Its body feathers still have a brown-ish color, the patch on the chin is white, and the beak is yellow and black. Black and white close-up of a shag preening its feathers, looking backwards touching feathers on the back.

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