
Common ringed plover

Common ringed plover standing between brown kelp. The sunlight is coming from the top left of the corner, and the bird is standing in the center right. It's a zoomed in picture, so the plover takes up around a third of the height. The belly and a band around the neck are white, brown speckled back and top of head, and a dark brown band aroiund the neck.

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17. August 2023

Varanger, Norway

Common ringed plover (Charadrius hiaticula) foraging for food by the shoreline by Nesseby church in Varanger (Finnmark, Norway), photographed in August 2023.

The ringed plovers that breed here in Varanger overwinter in Africa, south of the Sahara (different from the ones that breed in the south of Norway, which overwinter in Europe).

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