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Portrait photo from the chest upwards of an adult European Herring Gull just moulting into winter plummage, with light  brown stripes on the head. She's looking towards the camera, and around her right eye her feathers are standing upwards and have blood on them. Portrait of an adult european herring gull, with a dark blue blurry background. The picture is taken in profile, with the gull looking down. Portrait of an adult herring gull shouting towards the camera. The background is black and out of focus, whereas the gull is in fous. He's moulting from summer to winter plummage, and looking a bit bald on the head as a result. Adult herring gull looking straight at the camera, with a stern look on her face. Another gull is standing out of focus in front of her, and the background is a blue-ish out of focus color. Herring gull in flight, with a rocky shoreline as the backdrop. The herring gull is not fully adult yet and still has some brown and white spotted feathers on the wings, along with the gray adult feathers. A huge flock of herring gulls flying off simultaneously, on a very rocky landscape by tghe beach, photographed from above. Wide picture of a rocky beach with mountains on either side, and thousands of herring gulls and great black-backed gulls (mostly juveniles/below 4yo) all over the beach, showing up as little white dots against the gray rocks. Near-adult great black-backed gull standing on a rocky coastline, blending in well with its environment. The GBBG is a large gull, with pink feet and black wings, and this indivisual still has some white/brown juvenile feathers left on the wings. Portrait of a puffin, sitting in green bushes, looking straight at the camera, with blurry aqua sea in the background. Group of ca 15 common murres standing closely together on a sunny day. The picture is taken with a telezoom lens, showing them all chest up, focused on two cuddling murres in the middle. Portrait of a bridled common murre standing in front of a teal/blue blurry background (out of focus ocean), photographed from the chest up. The belly is white, the back and head are very dark brown (but look black), medium-sized sharp gray beak. Around its eye is a white circle and line, resembling glsses. The bird eye is in focus, along with tiny water droplets on top of the head. Light cimes from the left behind of the murre. Portrait of a puffin, sitting in outside of its burrow, overlooking a bright aqua sea full of bokeh, photographed from the side. It's a really bright and sunny day, and the picture has light and vibrant colors, with a lot of feather detail.

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