
Portrait of a puffin, sitting in green bushes, looking straight at the camera, with blurry aqua sea in the background. Portrait of a bridled common murre standing in front of a teal/blue blurry background (out of focus ocean), photographed from the chest up. The belly is white, the back and head are very dark brown (but look black), medium-sized sharp gray beak. Around its eye is a white circle and line, resembling glsses. The bird eye is in focus, along with tiny water droplets on top of the head. Light cimes from the left behind of the murre. European shag walking around with the skeleton of another european shag in its beak. He's walking right to left in the frame, and between grassy terrain. Portrait of a puffin, sitting in outside of its burrow, overlooking a bright aqua sea full of bokeh, photographed from the side. It's a really bright and sunny day, and the picture has light and vibrant colors, with a lot of feather detail. European shag walking around with the skeleton of another european shag in its beak. He's walking right to left in the frame, and between grassy terrain. Telezoom portrait of a common murre, with out-of-focud rocks in the foreground. The myrre has a black head with black beak, and white "glasses" around the eyes, and is looking straight at the camera Hundereds of auks, mainly common murres (and a handful of puffins, razorbills, and gulls), flying past the camera. It's a blue sky with light clouds in the background, and the picture is taken with a telezoom lens, causing the birds in the foreground and background to be slightly in movement and out of focus. Three common guillemots (uria aalge) posing in front of a white snowed in mountain, with more murres/guillemots flying in the background. It almost looks peaceful, except in the foreground a european shag (type of cormorant) is crash landing into the snow, in the most dramatic way possible. Purple sandpiper foraging along an icey coastline, in purple light. The sandpiper is hanging forward, its long orange beak reachign for something on the ground right under the water. Black-legged kittiwake preparing for landing on the kittiwake hotel. The kittiwake is positioned directly above the camera, against a light bright blue sky, white wings spread out, black legs sticking out for landing, and beak wide open while shouting at their partner on the nest. Telezoom portrait of two common murres cuddling and preening eachother, with murres blurred out in the foreground and background Two razorbills cuddling together in the snow, with a bright aqua sea in the background. The background is out of focus with a lot of bokeh, and the snow in the foreground creates a white haze. The razorbills are small black and white auks, and have a white vertical and horizontal line on their beak.

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