
5. April 2024

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Visit to Hornøya in the afternoon, with thousands of seabirds.



Hornøya / Vardø, Norway


5. April 2024

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This was my first visit to Hornøya. I wanted to visit for years, and despite having traveled to Finnmark/Varanger on several occasions before, this was the first time a visit worked out.

It was honestly almost overwhelming how many seabirds were present here. According to the website, there are around 100.000 seabirds, of which there are 7500 pairs of breeding Puffins, 500 pairs Thick-Billed Murres, 15.000 pairs Common Murres, 1300 pairs of Shags, 500 pairs of breeding Razorbills, along with breeding herring gulls and black-backed gulls. Other visitors include Black Guillemots, Glaucous Gulls, White-Tailed Eagles, Ravens, Fulmars, Skuas, and many more.

I mainly came for the murres, my favorite bird species, so I spent most of my time photographing them. But I absolutely fell in love with the shags during this visit as well.

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