Common ringed plover
Charadrius hiaticula
The common ringed plover (sandlo in Norwegian), is a small wading bird in the plover family.
Their scientific name, charadrius hiaticula, refers to the places where they can often be found. The Greek word "Kharadra" means ravine, while "hiaticula" comes from the latin words "hiatus" and "cula", which roughly translates to "valley dweller" as well.
In Norway these can be found all along the coast and mountains, and there are estimated to be between 20.000 and 30.000 of them in the country. They, however, are migrating birds, leaving Norway during autumn migration and spending their winters in warmer places. Common ringed plovers breeding in northern Norway have been found to overwinter in the south of Africa, whereas the ones breeding in the south of Norway tend to overwinter in western Europe.
Also known as
- Charadrius hiaticula (Scientific)
- Common ringed plover (English)
- Sandlo (Norwegian)
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