

Portrait of an adult herring gull in winter plumage, showing the left side of his face. He has a white head, with ligt brown/gray stripes, which gets a bit darker around the eyes. The background are completely blurry out of focus buildings, creating a black/brown/blue gradient backdrop.

23. October 2024

Oslo, Norway

Gulliver and his partner Josefine are still visiting the balcony daily, but both are meanwhile molted into complete winter plumage.

In a way it's easy to tell Gulliver apart from the other neighborhood gulls, thanks to his attitude and the fact that he rarely leaves the side of Josefine. But when in doubt, we check the iris. The black specks on the yellow eyes form a unique pattern, almost like a biological "barcode". And during winter season the pattern formed by the stripes on their head is another way to tell apart individuals.

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Collections (2)

Gulliver & Josefine

Browse collection

Oslo Birds

Browse collection

All collections featuring this photo

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