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Razorbills cuddling

Two razorbills cuddling together in the snow, with a bright aqua sea in the background. The background is out of focus with a lot of bokeh, and the snow in the foreground creates a white haze. The razorbills are small black and white auks, and have a white vertical and horizontal line on their beak.

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5. April 2024

Varanger, Norway

Two razorbills cuddling together in the snow at Hornøya (Vardø, Finnmark), in April 2024, at the start of breeding season.

Razorbills are socially monogamous, like most seabirds, and return to the same nesting spot with the same partner each year. They mate for life, but divorces do happen, for example if one of them proves to be a bad parent, and they re-pair after their partner dies.

These two were enjoying some alone time, something that must be rare at crowded cliffs like this, preening eachother while enjoying the afternoon sun in the snow.


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