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Silhouette of a common murre, overlooking a clear blue sky, while standing on a rock. Two razorbills (black and white auks) cuddling in the snow. The razorbills are positioned in the bottom left corner of the frame, and the snowy hill in the foreground makes it so that just their black heads are visible, against a completely white background. Common murre flying from right to left of the frame, with a fish in its beak. In the backgrpound are 5 other murres flying in the opposite direction, left to right. It's a sunny day with blue skies. Group of around 20 common murres (black and white seabirds of the auk family) in flight, against a blue sky. Portrait of a young european shag, looking directly at the camera. Its body feathers still have a brown-ish color, the patch on the chin is white, and the beak is yellow and black. Black and white close-up of a shag preening its feathers, looking backwards touching feathers on the back. Purple sandpiper foraging in very reflective light blue water that has small pieces of ice drifting into it, on a sunny day. The sandpiper is about to take something out of the water, looking at its own reflection. Group of purple sandpipers foraging in the water. Two of them in the middle are in focus. In front and behind them are out of focus sandpipers. Purple sandpiper foraging in the water. The water is dark blue, and from the top right corner there's orange light coming into frame. The sandpiper is walking from the top right to the bottom left of the image, and standing on a twig. Purple sandpiper foraging in very reflective light blue water. The sandpiper is having its beak in the water, while walking from the right to the left of the frame. Adult herring gull in breeding plummage, looking at the camera, with a different gull standing out of focus in the foreground. Adult herring gull in breeding plummage, looking at the camera, with snow falling around her. Small white duck with black eyes and black stripes on the body, swimming in dark gray water, with white ice in the background. Small white duck with black eyes and black stripes on the body, swimming in dark gray water, with white ice in the background. Small white duck with black eyes and black stripes on the body, swimming in dark gray water, with white ice in the background. Small white duck with black eyes and black stripes on the body, swimming in dark gray water, with white ice in the background. Small white duck with black eyes and black stripes on the body, swimming in dark gray water, with white ice in the background. Young herring gull looking at the camera, while sticking out her neck straight forward. The background is covered in snow, and the picture is taken in golden light, creating nice golds and blues in the picture.

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