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adult kittiwake standing on top of a gull-poop-covered roof, on an overcast day, looking towards the right of the frame and shouting at something off-camera, beak wide open with the tongue out. A young kittiwake (second year) flying small in frame against a light overcast sky, from the right of the frame to the left. Two auks are flying in the background. Two young murres on the water Telezoom portrait of a common murre, with out-of-focud rocks in the foreground. The myrre has a black head with black beak, and white "glasses" around the eyes, and is looking straight at the camera Hundereds of auks, mainly common murres (and a handful of puffins, razorbills, and gulls), flying past the camera. It's a blue sky with light clouds in the background, and the picture is taken with a telezoom lens, causing the birds in the foreground and background to be slightly in movement and out of focus. Purple sandpiper foraging along an icey coastline, in purple light. The sandpiper is hanging forward, its long orange beak reachign for something on the ground right under the water. Black-legged kittiwake preparing for landing on the kittiwake hotel. The kittiwake is positioned directly above the camera, against a light bright blue sky, white wings spread out, black legs sticking out for landing, and beak wide open while shouting at their partner on the nest. Kittiwake sitting on its nest inside a breeding box Red wooden structure with diagonal lines, and small in frame a black-legged kittiwake flying in the bottom right. Common murres flying from the right to the left of the frame, against a bright aqua light sky Telezoom portrait of two common murres cuddling and preening eachother, with murres blurred out in the foreground and background Two common murres in flight, photographed from right below them. The one on the right is flying lower, and is as a result bigger and out of focus. The one on the left is in focus, and the plummage of the underside of the body is well noticeable, with a black to white gradient. Common murres flying from the right to the left of the frame, against a bright aqua light sky Two razorbills cuddling together in the snow, with a bright aqua sea in the background. The background is out of focus with a lot of bokeh, and the snow in the foreground creates a white haze. The razorbills are small black and white auks, and have a white vertical and horizontal line on their beak. Small in frame common murre peeking from the bottom right corner of the image, jusgt the beak and face are in view. Two razorbills cuddling together in the snow, with a bright aqua sea in the background. The background is out of focus with a lot of bokeh, and the snow in the foreground creates a white haze. The razorbills are small black and white auks, and have a white vertical and horizontal line on their beak. Two razorbills, small in frame, sitting on a rock in the bottom right corner of the image. In the background, thousands of auks (murres, razorbills, and puffins) take flight. Razorbill sitting on a rock in front of a deep blue sea. The razorbill is a medium-small seabird of the auk family. Its belly is white, back and wings and head are black. They have a white vertical stripe on the beak and a white horizontal stripe right above the beak.

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