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Lighthouse stnanding on gray rocks by the coast, with a large group of herring gulls flying around it. Wide picture of a rocky beach with mountains on either side, and thousands of herring gulls and great black-backed gulls (mostly juveniles/below 4yo) all over the beach, showing up as little white dots against the gray rocks. Near-adult great black-backed gull standing on a rocky coastline, blending in well with its environment. The GBBG is a large gull, with pink feet and black wings, and this indivisual still has some white/brown juvenile feathers left on the wings. A kittiwake chick on the nest, having its beak wide open, exposing the pink inside of its mouth. It's a sunny day, and the picture is well lid with a lot of detail. The young kittiwake still has fluffy down and is very tiny, colored white ans gray, with a white beak. Arctic tern in flight, against a bright blue background. Portrait of a puffin, sitting in green bushes, looking straight at the camera, with blurry aqua sea in the background. Common murre silhouette (chest upwards), with a blue sea full of blurry bokeh in the background. Group of ca 15 common murres standing closely together on a sunny day. The picture is taken with a telezoom lens, showing them all chest up, focused on two cuddling murres in the middle. Portrait of a bridled common murre standing in front of a teal/blue blurry background (out of focus ocean), photographed from the chest up. The belly is white, the back and head are very dark brown (but look black), medium-sized sharp gray beak. Around its eye is a white circle and line, resembling glsses. The bird eye is in focus, along with tiny water droplets on top of the head. Light cimes from the left behind of the murre. Black-legged kittiwake sitting on top of wood boxes, looking down at the camera shouting, exposing the bright red inside of the beak. Group of 10-15 murres tightly standing together on the side of a cliff, with the ocean in the background. The two murres in the middle are mounting eachother. Portrait of a bridled common murre. In the foreground there's a green out of focus mossy rock, the background is the out  of focus ocean. Portrait of a common murre. In the foreground there's a muddy hill, and behind the main murre there's another one that's out of focus. Portrait of a puffin, sitting in outside of its burrow, overlooking a bright aqua sea full of bokeh, photographed from the side. It's a really bright and sunny day, and the picture has light and vibrant colors, with a lot of feather detail. European shag walking around with the skeleton of another european shag in its beak. He's walking right to left in the frame, and between grassy terrain. European shag walking around with the skeleton of another european shag in its beak. He's walking right to left in the frame, and between grassy terrain. Portrait of a black-legged kittiwake, photographed from the chest upwards. The kittiwake is standing on the right side of the picture, looking towards the left, and the colors are a very cool aqua blue with contrasting yellow sunlight. The kittiwake has a white head, black eyes with a red ring around it, and a short bright yellow beak. Portrait of a second year black-legged kittiwake, with a beige/brown blurry background. The kittiwake is photographed from the chest upwards, and has a white body, with gray wings, and some brown and black specks on the face.

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