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Small white duck with black eyes and black stripes on the body, swimming in dark gray water, with white ice in the background. Young herring gull looking at the camera, while sticking out her neck straight forward. The background is covered in snow, and the picture is taken in golden light, creating nice golds and blues in the picture. Black and white silhouette of a herring gull, standing on top of a chimney. Adult herring gull in winter plumage. In the background there's a pink/red to gray gradient (out of focus house), in the foreground there's gold reflection from something, and the gull is outlined by gold late afternoon light. Portrait of a European Herring Gull in a snow storm. The picture is zoomed in on his face, the background is an out of focus hazy dark purple/gray, and there's snow falling around the gull. He's in adult winter plumage, white body with gray stripes on the head and around the eyes. Portrait of a European Herring Gull in a snow storm. The picture is zoomed in on his face, the background is an out of focus hazy dark purple/gray, and there's snow falling around the gull. He's in adult winter plumage, white body with gray stripes on the head and around the eyes. Herring gull flying over in the snow, photographed from below, against a white sky Portrait of a European Herring Gull in a snow storm. The picture is zoomed in on his face, the background is an out of focus hazy dark purple/gray, and there's snow falling around the gull. He's in adult winter plumage, white body with gray stripes on the head and around the eyes. Adult herring gull in winter plumage, standing on a chimney, surrounded by snow. Black and white portrait of a hooded crow, looking stern at the camera, with a lot of detail Close-up portrait of a mute swan, with golden bokeh in thte background and backlight givin g the swan a bright outline. The head and neck is white, with a black ball above the orange beak. Small in frame picture of a great cormorant perched on a tree branch that's hanging over a lake. There's lots of vegetation in the far background of the lake, and a lot of open water space on the left of the cormorant. Moorhen swimming on green water on a sunny day. The moorhen is a black ater bird, with a brown back, and a red/yellow bill. The water has a lot of bokeh, and is blurry in the foreground and background. Wooden shed that's falling apart, by a lake surrounded by green grass, and the fjord in the background. The mountains and sky in the background are different shades of blue. The foreground consists of different greens and oranges in the grass. Close-up of a juvie ringed plover sitting behind a rock on a beach. The picture is zoomed in, making the rock in front of them and the rocks behind out of focus, while the face and feathers are sharp.The beak is short, going from orange to dark brown. The stomach and chin/neck are white, and the head and bacj are speckled brown. There's half of a darker brown band around the neck, a slightly darker brown band underneath the eyes, and a white and beige stripe above. Common ringed plover standing between brown kelp. The sunlight is coming from the top left of the corner, and the bird is standing in the center right. It's a zoomed in picture, so the plover takes up around a third of the height. The belly and a band around the neck are white, brown speckled back and top of head, and a dark brown band aroiund the neck. White-tailed eagle sitting on a rock, in front of other rocks. The rocks are covered in moss, and cast a blue-ish shadow in the background. The eagle has a white tail, huge yellow beak, and big white claws. The body is brown, and has white spots on the face. Atlantic puffin taking off from the water, being completely flat against the water, wings stretched out White-tailed eagle sitting on a rock, in front of other rocks. The rocks are gray, with horizontal stripes in a different gray, yellow lichen, and some dry grass here and there. The eagle is brown/white speckled with a yellow beak and feet, and blends in excellently with his environment. Adult common gull (larus canus) standing between long grass. The vegetation in the foreground causes light yellow, green, and red blurry gradients, and the harbour in the background creates an out of focus dark background Young common gull (larus canus) standing between long grass. The gull still looks very fluffy, and has a grey speckled pattern. There's bright sunlight coming in from the top left corner, giving the grass a yellow shine, and lighthing up a bright white outline around the top of the head and back of the chick.

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