
Gulliver & Josefine

Gulliver and Josefine are a couple of adult european herring gulls living in the center of Oslo. Thanks to her ring data we know Josefine is at least 13 years old, and has been living in the same neighborhood most of her life.

She and her partner Gulliver were living on the neighbor's chimney until 2023, when they decided to move to our balcony, and I've been following their life since.

Gulliver and Josefine have been living in our street for many years. Each day, all our neighborhood gulls follow the same routine: as soon as the sun comes up they arrive one by one to their own trusted roofs, relax and look for food around the parks during the day, and leave back to see when the sun sets.

I have pictures of our two lovebirds napping on a neighbor's chimney dating back to early 2023, when I first bought my telezoom lens, but Josefine's ring data suggests she's been around here for much longer.

Get to know the couple

Adult herring gull looking at the camera from behind a diagonal roof, with a trans flag colored sky in the background
Adult herring gull looking at the camera from behind a diagonal roof.

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Adult herring gull looking at the camera from behind a diagonal roof.
Adult herring gull looking at the camera from behind a diagonal roof, with a trans flag colored sky in the background

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